Andy Peddar, CEO, Deazy commented:
“It feels like everything has been beset by uncertainty for months and months now, so at least the election will hopefully bring some clarity. The UK start-up eco-system has lacked impetus for six or seven years and has lacked long-term planning and strategy. We’ve lost that edge, and there hasn’t been an intense focus on creating that competitive advantage for the UK and London. Whoever wins in July – and that’s almost certainly going to be Labour – needs to create the right environment for sustainable growth.”
“Broadly speaking, I don’t feel that politicians generally have the best understanding of tech and what it needs for tech businesses to prosper. The age and background of many politicians do not lend themselves to a deep understanding of tech. Although there are some exceptions it means that policy decisions are made without much knowledge and experience behind them.”
“The UK needs a clear vision for how tech can be supported and developed, and there’s an urgent need for more long-term strategic thinking. What will the tech eco-system look like in 10 to 15 years, not 18 months?”